RQ-35 Heidrun UAS base unit
UAV base unit (incl. GPS & ESC modules; embedded radio system; EO, EO/IR & GeoIntel enabling avionics; Flight control system)
GC radio w. 7,5m cable; mounting clip; patch antenna kit & tripod; pre-flight cradle; field repair kit w. pouch; transport & storage case.
(RQ-35 Heidrun UAS system without tablet; payload, batteries and charging kits)
A typical order would be a UAS base unit set.
Including one or the other payload.
One or two tablets, 3-5 UAV batteries.
A main and a mobile charging kit. With this you have a fully operational system.
All accessories and spare parts are optional.
which accessories and spare parts should be chosen, depends on how the end user is going to be using the UAV.