ZOE UAS training on location

Flight training on-site – 2 days – Flight training on client assigned location. Includes theoretical training, set up, manual flight, automatic flight (survey) and general best practices for operational safety and mission excellence. Max Number of trainees 4.
Max Number of trainees
Boarding included
t HardeorCustomer location, t Harde or Customer location
Number of days
Number of trainers

Product Number: ZOM4.170901

4.176,00 ex VAT

ZOE UAS training on location

Flight training on-site – 2 days – Flight training on client assigned location. Includes theoretical training, set up, manual flight, automatic flight (survey) and general best practices for operational safety and mission excellence. Max Number of trainees 4.
Max Number of trainees: 4
Boarding included: Optional
Location of training: t HardeorCustomer location, t Harde or Customer location
Number of trainers: 2
Bording included: Optional
Number of days: 2